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Paul in Greece and Rome


2 Options Available

OPTION 1: Three nights Athens / Three night Cruise / Three nights Rome

Day 1 Monday: Depart US

Day 2 Tuesday: Arrival Athens – Upon arrival in Athens meet your guide and continue to your hotel. Dinner and overnight in Athens

Day 3 Wednesday: Athens of Apostle Paul – In 51 AD, Apostle Paul traveled from Berea to Athens by boat. His boat anchored at Faliron that used to be the main port serving Athens. Apostle Paul traveled from port to Athens. While waiting for Silas & Timothy to come from Macedonia, he spent most of his time talking with citizens at the Synagogues and the Agora. The Athenians took an interest in his teachings and invited him to present it more analytical at the Aeropagus, the hill west of Acropolis. Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and gave his famous Aeropagus Sermon, emphasizing the need to know God rather than worship the unknown as described in Acts 17:16-34. Follow your guide on a journey to the ancient Acropolis where you will see the Propylaea, the Parthenon and the Erectheum. View Mars Hill where Paul preached the gospel to the intellectual Athenian community of his day (Acts 17: 15-34). View the ruins of the Agora, ancient marketplace and center of Athenian public life, where Paul preached to the skeptical Athenians. You will view the Olympic Stadium, where the modern Olympics began and where the games returned in 2004. Back to your hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 4 Thursday: Corinth – This morning drive to Corinth (Acts 18: 1-18), a city that inspired of St. Paul’s most familiar letter. You will visit the Archeological Museum, the Market Place, and Temples. Walk among the ruins and stand on the Bema where Paul stood. Read Paul’s letter to the Corinthians and visualize his address to the Gentiles as he began the task of building Corinth’s church. Imagine where Aquila and Priscilla lived and where they had their tent making business. Acts 18:9-11 Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; 10 for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.” 11 And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them. Return to Athens for Dinner and overnight.

Day 5 Friday: Cruise Embarkation / Mykonos – You sail this morning from the port of Athens, Piraeus starting your 3 Day Cruise. The first port of call the quaint isle of Mykonos, called the island of the Windmills. Experience the waterfront lined up with shops and cafes and then stroll the charming walkways through a maze of whitewashed buildings before returning to the ship for dinner and evening entertainment.

Day 6 Saturday: Ephesus / Patmos – Ancient Ephesus This morning you are docked in Kusadasi, Turkey, and start your excursion to ancient Ephesus. Ephesus was one of the most beautiful cities of the ancient world and its former glory can still be appreciated today from its well- preserved streets, temples, fountains, public baths, terraced houses, and theatres. Paul went to Ephesus on his third Missionary journey, staying and preaching for a period of about two to three years, and where several certain incidents took place (Acts 19:120, 20:20). It was to this community that Paul may have written his epistle to the Ephesians. You will visit the ancient Agora and go back in time where Demetrius, the silversmith, sold his silver shrines to the Ancient Greek goddess, Artemis. See the Library of Celsius and view the Great Theatre mentioned in the Book of Acts. After the morning visit return to the ship Patmos In the afternoon you reach the island of Patmos, Greece. During your tour, you will have the opportunity to visit the Grotto of the Apocalypse. John was on exile on the island of Patmos where in the Grotto he wrote the Book of Revelation. Rev 1:11 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” and, “What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia: to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamos, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.” Your tour will continue with a visit to St. John’s Monastery before you go back to your cruise ship.

 Day 7 Sunday: Santorini – This morning, we tender at the volcanic island of Santorini; take the cable car on your own to visit the top of the island an enjoy the panoramic view of the famous Caldera.

Day 8 Monday: Disembarkation / Fly to Rome / Walking Orientation – This morning after disembarkation we head to the airport for our flight to Rome. Upon arrival in Rome, we make our way to the center where you will have a walking orientation of the Eternal city and free time for Lunch. We continue to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Day 9 Tuesday: Vatican / Catacombs – This morning you visit The Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St Peter’s Basilica. Almost all Christians martyred in the Circus of Gaius/Nero—the site where St. Peter’s Square now stands. The Egyptian obelisk in the center of the square is original to the circus, though it stood in a different spot. Here Peter was crucified, according to tradition, upside down (John 21:18-19). He is most likely buried deep beneath the Basilica in the original burial cave. In the afternoon, you will enjoy a walk through the Spanish Steps. In the afternoon you will visit one of the Roman Catacombs. Most famous for the early Christians buried here, the catacombs offer an essential contribution to early Christian art. Early frescoes and sculptures still exist in the catacombs. Most touching are the smaller burial spots carved out for children who had died. Dinner and overnight 

Day 10 Wednesday: Rome of Apostle Paul – This morning you start your day at the most inspiring place, Tre Fontane (Abbey of Three Fountains). Tradition tells us Paul was martyred outside the walls of Rome at a place most people have never heard of—one of the Christian sites not on the tourist maps. Next, you see the Church of St Paul outside the walls; many believe Paul is buried here. Your tour continues with a guided visit of the Colosseum. You continue with a walking tour through Roman Forum and towards the Arch of Titus; the Arch’s inside relief portrays Roman soldiers carrying off treasures from Jerusalem Temple, destroyed by Titus in 70 AD. Jesus predicted this destruction (Matt 24:1-2). Enter the Mamertine prison. End with a tour of Pantheon, Piazza Navona & Trevi Fountain. Dinner and overnight at your hotel.

 Day 11 Thursday: Departure / Home

OPTION 2: Three nights in Athens / Five nights in Rome

Day 1: Depart US

Day 2: Arrive Athens – Today you begin an unforgettable Biblical journey! Upon arrival in Athens, you will be met by DCT’s local representative and escorted to your hotel to drop off your bags and enjoy some free time before dinner and overnight.

 Day 3: Athens of Apostle Paul / Lycabetus Hill Dinner – Athens In 51 AD, Apostle Paul traveled from Berea to Athens by boat. His boat anchored at Faliron that used to be one of the main ancient ports of Ancient Athens. Paul walked from the port to the city of Athens. While waiting for Silas & Timothy to come from Macedonia, Greece, he spent most of his time talking with citizens at the Synagogue and in the Agora. The Athenians took an interest in his teachings and invited him to present it more analytical on the Aeropagus, the hill west of the Acropolis (Mars Hill). Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and gave his famous Aeropagus Sermon, emphasising the need to “a known God” rat her than worship the “unknown” as described in Acts 17:16-34. Follow your guide on a visit to the Acropolis where you will see the Propylaea, the Parthenon, the Erectheum, and the Temple of Athena Nike. Touring through modern Athens You will view the Olympic Stadium, where the modern Olympic games began and where the games returned in 2004. In the afternoon you enjoy a dinner with magnificent views upon the Lycabettus Hill.

 Day 4: Corinth of Apostle Paul – This morning you visit Corinth (Acts 18: 1-18), a city that inspired one of St. Paul’s most famous letter. You will visit the Archeological Museum, the Market Place, and Temples. Walk among the ruins and stand on the Bema where Paul stood. Read Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, addressing his message to the Gentiles as he began the task of establishing his church in Corinth. Acts 18:9-11 Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; 10 for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.” 11 And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them. On your way back you will stop at Cachrae to visit the site where Paul sailed to Ephesus. Back to Athens for dinner and overnight.

 Day 5: Fly to Rome / Walking Tour – Today you are flying to Rome upon arrival meet your driver and continue to a panoramic tour and a walking tour of the Eternal City. Your guide will take you through an orientation tour through the city where you will see Piazza Navona and the famous Trevi Fountain.

Day 6: Vatican / Catacombs – This morning you visit The Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St Peter’s Basilica. Almost all Christians martyred in the Circus of Gaius/Nero—the site where St. Peter’s Square now stands. The Egyptian obelisk in the center of the square is original to the circus, though it stood in a different spot. Here Peter was crucified, according to tradition, upside down ( John 21:18-19). He is most likely buried deep beneath the Basilica in the original burial cave. In the afternoon visit the Catacombs. Most famous for the early Christians buried here, the catacombs offer an essential contribution to early Christian art. Early frescoes and sculptures still exist in the catacombs. Most touching are the smaller burial spots carved out for children who had died.

 Day 7: Rome of Apostle Paul – This morning you start your day at the most inspiring place, Tre Fontane (Abbey of Three Fountains). Tradition tells us Paul was martyred outside the walls of Rome at a place most people have never heard of—one of the Christian sites not on the tourist maps. Don’t confuse Tres Fontane with the famous Trevi Fountain. It’s called Tres Fontane (“Three Fountains”) because, according to legend, after Paul’s head was cut off, it bounced three times, and three fountains sprung up! Next, you see the Church of St Paul outside the walls; many believe Paul is buried here. Afterwards you visit The Colosseum. You continue with a walking tour through Roman Forum and towards the Arch of Titus; the Arch’s inside relief portrays Roman soldiers carrying off treasures from Jerusalem Temple, destroyed by Titus in 70 AD. Jesus predicted this destruction (MATH 24:1-2) and the Palatine Hiil ending with a visit of Mamertine prison. You then walk to the world famous Spanish steps for some free time to enjoy a local pizza or gelato.

 Day 8: Naples / Pompeii – Full-day tour to Pompei, the end of the pagan world! Discover some of the world’s most fascinating ruins, including the famous death casts, and enjoy a view of Vesuvius, the famous Italian Volcano. Continue for a view of Naples. There, you will stumble upon the port of Pozzuoli, where Paul docked on his journey from Malta to Rome. Continue with a visit to St Gennaro Catacombs. Return to Rome for dinner and overnight

 Day 9: Rome Free Day

 Day 10: Departure / Home